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Agricultural produce
Terms related to agricultural production. For food terms, please place under the food industry.
Industry: Agriculture
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Agricultural produce
Agriculture; Agricultural produce
The seed of the soy-bean plant.These are rich in oil and protein and are used in as food for people and animals.
Agriculture; Agricultural produce
Ginger is a kind of tropical plant whose root is used as a spice and sometimes as a medicine.
Agriculture; Agricultural produce
Grain is the seed of cereal crops such as oats, wheat, and corn. A tiny piece of something like grains of sand.
Agriculture; Agricultural produce
Melon is the fruit of any of the gourd family as muskmelon or watermelon with a medium crimson or deep pink colour.
Agriculture; Agricultural produce
It describe something that has finished growing and is ready to be eaten: ripe fruit in the best condition for use; ready.
string bean
Agriculture; Agricultural produce
Any of various beans with a long green pod and these are cooked and eaten whole while they are still young and their seeds are very small.
Agriculture; Agricultural produce
The tough outer covering of the seed of grains such as wheat or rye and it is high in fiber and helps in the digestion of the food.