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Air conditioners
Industry: Household appliances
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Air conditioners
Household appliances; Air conditioners
Connect an electrical appliance to the mains by means of a socket.
rubber plug
Household appliances; Air conditioners
A piece of rubber fitted tightly into a hole in order to block it up.
ambient temperature
Household appliances; Air conditioners
The temperature of the surrounding environment; technically, the temperature of the air surrounding a power supply or cooling medium.
heating function
Household appliances; Air conditioners
Air conditioning system function. Its working range for heating function is 41ºF - 80.6ºF (5º - 27 ºC) and for the cooling function, it is 64ºF - 89ºF (18ºC - 32ºC).

remote control
Household appliances; Air conditioners
The control of an activity, process, or machine from a distance, as by radioed instructions or coded signals.
Household appliances; Air conditioners
To begin or take up again after interruption; to return to or begin again after interruption.
temperature indicator
Household appliances; Air conditioners
A device that visually indicates when the temperature either falls or rises outside of a determined acceptable range.