Home > Industry/Domain > Pollution control > Air pollution

Air pollution

Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulates or biological materials into the atmosphere which cause damage to the natural environment and have adverse health affects on organisms.

Contributors in Air pollution

Air pollution

melting point

Pollution control; Air pollution

The temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid. At this temperature, the solid and the liquid have the same vapor pressure.

pollution prevention

Pollution control; Air pollution

The use of materials, processes, or practices to reduce, minimize, or eliminate the creation of pollutants or wastes. It includes practices that reduce the use of toxic or hazardous materials, ...

vapor density

Pollution control; Air pollution

The vapor density is expressed in grams per liter (g / L) and is comparedto the density of air (air=1).

greenhouse effect

Pollution control; Air pollution

The warming effect of the Earth's atmosphere. Light energy from the sun which passes through the Earth's atmosphere is absorbed by the Earth's surface and re-radiated into the atmosphere as heat ...

emission rate

Pollution control; Air pollution

The weight of a pollutant emitted per unit of time (e.g., tons / year).

non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC)

Pollution control; Air pollution

The sum of all hydrocarbon air pollutants except methane. NMHCs are significant precursors to ozone formation.

non-methane organic gas (NMOG)

Pollution control; Air pollution

The sum of non-methane hydrocarbons and other organic gases such as aldehydes, ketones and ethers.

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