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American government

This category is for all terms related to American government and politics.

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American government

summary reversal

Government; American government

The Court issues a summary reversal when it grants certiorari in a case and overturns the decision below without written briefs or oral argument on the merits. When the Court reaches a judgment this ...

grant of certiorari

Government; American government

The Supreme Court grants certiorari when it decides, at the request of the party that has filed a petition for certiorari, to review the merits of the case. For roughly every 100 petitions for ...


Government; American government

The petitioner is the party asking the Supreme Court to review the case because she lost the dispute in the lower court. Her name goes first in the case name. (For example, George W. Bush was the ...

Buffet Rule

Government; American government

A tax proposal by U.S. President Barack Obama that calls for a higher minimum tax rate for individuals making more than $1 million a year to ensure that they pay at least the same percentage of their ...

midterm election

Government; American government

General elections for US Congress and state-level gubernatorial positions that are traditionally held halfway through the President's term (hence the "midterm").

Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction

Government; American government

Also commonly known as the "Super Committee," the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction is co-chaired by Republican Representative Jeb Hensarling of Texas and Democratic Senator Patty Murray of ...

leading from behind

Government; American government

A phrase that was reportedly used by the Obama White House to describe the U.S. actions in Libya as "leading from behind." The phrase has since generated much confrontation between the White House ...

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