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Analytical chemistry

Contributors in Analytical chemistry

Analytical chemistry

collection trap

Chemistry; Analytical chemistry

Cooled device to collect gas-chromatographic eluent, holding it for subsequent compound-identification analysis.

statistical control

Chemistry; Analytical chemistry

In an analytical procedure, a state that exists when the means of a large number of individual values in the output of a measurement process tend to approach a limiting value known as the limiting ...

limit of detection

Chemistry; Analytical chemistry

The quantity or concentration that represents the smallest measure of an analyte that can be detected with reasonable certainty by a given analytical procedure.

collodion replication

Chemistry; Analytical chemistry

Production of a faithful collodion-film mold of a specimen surface (for example, powders, bones, microorganisms, crystals) which is sufficiently thin to be studied by electron microscopy.

steady-state distribution

Chemistry; Analytical chemistry

The equilibrium condition between phases in each step of a multistage, countercurrent liquid-liquid extraction. Abbreviated SSD.

liquid chromatography

Chemistry; Analytical chemistry

A form of chromatography employing a liquid as the moving phase and a solid or a liquid on a solid support as the stationary phase; techniques include column chromatography, gel permeation ...

color comparator

Chemistry; Analytical chemistry

A photoelectric instrument that compares an unknown color with that of a standard color sample for matching purposes. Also known as photoelectric color comparator.

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