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Animal feed
Of or relating to the food products given to farmed animals.
Industry: Agriculture
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Animal feed
Agriculture; Animal feed
To regulate the flow of the discharge fluid from an actuator or system.
Agriculture; Animal feed
Pressure less than atmospheric pressure. It is usually expresses in inches of mercury (in Hg) as referred to the existing atmospheric pressure.
Agriculture; Animal feed
A device which controls fluid flow direction, pressure, or flow rate.
variable relief
Agriculture; Animal feed
Specific rows of pellet die holes, such as the two inner and outside rows that are counterbored to greater depths at their outlets. Acts to encourage feed flow through these holes.
variable-speed fans
Agriculture; Animal feed
Fans whose motors turn at infinitely variable speeds by varying the line frequency of the power source.
Agriculture; Animal feed
The speed of flow through a hydraulic line. Expressed in feet per second (fps) or inches per second (ips).
Agriculture; Animal feed
To permit opening of a pressure control valve by opening its pilot port (vent connection) to atmospheric pressure.