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Anti virus
Software applications for preventing, detecting, and removing malware, including computer viruses, worms, and trojan horses.
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Anti virus
universal naming convention (UNC)
Software; Anti virus
This is the standard for naming network drives. For example, a UNC directory path has the following form: \\server\resource-pathname\subfolder\filename.
Software; Anti virus
Tunneling is a virus technique designed to prevent anti-virus applications from working correctly. Anti-virus programs work by intercepting the operating system before it can execute a virus. ...
trojan horse
Software; Anti virus
A Trojan horse is a malicious program that pretends to be a benign application. It purposefully does something the user does not expect. Trojans are not viruses since they do not replicate, but they ...
time bomb
Software; Anti virus
A time bomb is a malicious action triggered at a specific date or time. Also see: logic bomb.
Software; Anti virus
The timestamp is the time of creation or last modification recorded on a file or another object. Users can usually find the timestamp in the Properties section of a file.
top of memory (TOM)
Software; Anti virus
It is a design limitation at the 640kb mark on most PCs. Often the boot record does not completely reach top of memory, thus leaving empty space. Boot-sector infectors often try to conceal themselves ...
spoofed web site
Software; Anti virus
A spoofed web site is one that mimics a real company’s site—mainly financial services sites—in order to steal private information (passwords, account numbers) from people that are tricked into ...