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Arms control

The international restrictions on the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation, and usage of weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction. Arms control is usually exercised through international treaties and agreements that impose arms limitations among consenting parties.

Contributors in Arms control

Arms control

challenge inspection

Military; Arms control

Under arms control agreements, a non-routine inspection, on short notice, of any facility in the territory or in any other place under the jurisdiction or control of a State Party requested by ...

chemical transfer facility (CTF)

Military; Arms control

Site at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Edgewood Area, Maryland, which contains a Single Small Scale Facility (a facility for production of Schedule 1 chemicals to be used for purposes not prohibited by ...

chemical weapons (CW)

Military; Arms control

Toxic chemicals and their precursors, munitions, and devices specifically designed to cause death or other harm through the toxic properties of those chemicals, and any equipment specifically ...

chemical weapons convention (CWC)

Military; Arms control

International convention opened for signature January 13, 1993; entered into force April 29, 1997. Prohibits States Parties from developing; producing; otherwise acquiring, stockpiling, or retaining ...

chemical weapons destruction facility (CWDF)

Military; Arms control

Facility mandated by the Chemical Weapons Convention to destroy chemical weapons on the territory of a State Party.

Chemical Weapons Implementation Working Group (CWIWG)

Military; Arms control

Department of Defense working group, which reviews chemical weapons convention implementation issues on a regular basis.

chemical weapons production facility (CWPF)

Military; Arms control

Under the Chemical Weapons Convention, any equipment, as well as any building housing such equipment, designed, constructed, or used at any time since January 1, 1946, as part of the stage in the ...

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