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Atmospheric chemistry

A scientific study of the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets.

Contributors in Atmospheric chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry


Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A proportionality describing the light energy reflected by a surface; in atmospheric content the reflector includes things like the surface of the earth or particles in the atmosphere. Also see ...


Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A radioactive element found in the actinide series on the periodic table. It has the chemical symbol of U, standard atomic weight of 238. 02891 and 92 protons. This element is useful producing ...

termolecular reaction

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A reaction containing three particles. In the atmosphere an example of a termolecular reaction is one in which a molecule acquires the excess energy released by a reaction so that the products ...


Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A reaction in which an element is oxidized and reduced. This is how stable molecules are made from radicals.

abstraction reaction

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A reaction that takes any atom away from another chemical species. Classical examples in atmospheric chemistry are the gas phase removal of hydrogen from methane by hydroxyl radical or the following ...

upper atmosphere research satellite (UARS)

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A satellite deployed by NASA to study the chemistry in the upper atmosphere of Earth.

return stroke

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A short-lived, high amplitude discharge of electricity that accompanies a cloud-to-ground lightning event. The bright lightning flash that is visible to the human eye is actually composed of ...

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