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Atmospheric chemistry
A scientific study of the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets.
Contributors in Atmospheric chemistry
Atmospheric chemistry
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
The plane of orbit of the earth around the sun. An animation showing this process is available on its own page.
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
The science of heat and temperature and of the laws governing the conversion of heat into mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy.
sea level
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
This is the average level of the ocean over the entire earth. Tidal fluctuation is taken into account when determining sea level. Mean Sea Level (MSL) is used to reference the height of structures ...
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
Very stable chemical compound, used in refrigerants, solvent, and (in the past in the U. S. ) aerosols, which release chlorine (important) and fluorine (less important) into the upper atmosphere. ...
fossil fuels
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
There are coal, crude oils, oil shales, tar sands and natural gases such as butane, ethane, methane which occur naturally from the decomposition of plant and sea and land organisms over millions of ...
reactive organic gases (ROG's)
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
Volatile organic compounds, excluding methane, found in the atmosphere which are capable of producing radicals upon reaction with common atmospheric oxides and radicals; these compounds are often ...
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
The solar radiation incident on a unit horizontal surface at the top of the atmosphere. It is sometimes referred to as solar irradiance. The latitudinal variation of insolation supplies the energy ...