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Atmospheric chemistry
A scientific study of the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets.
Contributors in Atmospheric chemistry
Atmospheric chemistry
rule of 90
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
The systematic numbering system originally created by the Du Pont Chemical Company in the early 1930s, which is now the standard method in the naming of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). ...
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
The thermal atmospheric region of the atmosphere between the troposphere and the mesosphere. The lower boundary of the stratospheric region is marked by the tropopause and begins at approximately 13 ...
isentropic lift
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
The rising of air as it moves through the atmosphere based upon density differences. Cold air is denser than warn air. The air which has a lower density will float or be lifted over the air which ...
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
The process of the change in the state of a liquid or solid to a gas or vapor. Vanishing of the surface of a liquid to the atmosphere.
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
Two or more forms of an element that have the same atomic number but different numbers of neutrons in the atomic nucleus and therefore a different atomic weight. Most elements occur naturally as ...
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
What often occurs when clouds form upon reaching 100% relative humidity. If condensation nuclei are present, liquid or solid particles of water will form. When this material becomes heavy enough to ...
tertiary period
Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
This extended from about 65 million years ago to about 2. 5 million years ago.