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Automotive paint
Automotive paint and auto body works.
Industry: Automotive
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Automotive paint
dust free
Automotive; Automotive paint
Condition when a paint film has dried enough that it will no longer allow dust to penetrate and stick to the finish. Also know as "Out of Dust".
Automotive; Automotive paint
The flexibility of the paint film, much needed on plastics and fiberglass.
drying time
Automotive; Automotive paint
The period between applications of the paint and the drying condition, determined by specified test conditions.
downdraft booth
Automotive; Automotive paint
A spray booth in which air movement is from the ceiling through the floor.
Automotive; Automotive paint
Substances which, when added in small proportions to oil-based paints results inappreciable reductions in their drying times at ordinary temperatures.
dry film thickness (DFT)
Automotive; Automotive paint
The thickness of a paint after it has dried and/or cured, measured in mils.