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Behavior analysis

Behavior analysis is an approach to psychology that concerns itself primarily with observing, analysing and attempting to understand and predict the way humans behave and interact.

Contributors in Behavior analysis

Behavior analysis

external validity

Psychology; Behavior analysis

External validity refers to the extent that an experimental finding generalizes to other behaviors, settings, and populations. That is, does the cause-and-effect relationship found in an experiment ...

fear hierarchy

Psychology; Behavior analysis

The graduated set of stimulus items that are constructed by client and therapist to treat phobic responses in systematic desensitization. The items are ordered from least to most anxiety producing.

group research design

Psychology; Behavior analysis

The experiment is conducted with at least two groups of subjects. And the data are usually presented in terms of the mean (average) of the performance of all subjects combined for each group.

forward chaining

Psychology; Behavior analysis

A chaining procedure that begins with the first element in a behavior chain and progresses to the last element.

experimental space

Psychology; Behavior analysis

The enclosure in which an operant conditioning experiment is carried out and in which a simple, easily repeatable performance can be reinforced and measured is referred to as an experimental space. ...

flashbulb memory

Psychology; Behavior analysis

The detailed remembering of the context of a surprising and significant event in one's life (e.g., where one was on hearing the news of a major political assassination).


Psychology; Behavior analysis

A reinforcer effective with food-deprived pigeons; also a characteristic of cumulative records (see RATE OF RESPONDING).

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