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Business management
General business management terms encompassing inventory management, security management, financial administration, business planning, and management services for all enterprise-wide information systems.
Industry: Business administration
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Business management
restructuring of industry
Business administration; Business management
A term often used to describe the decline of heavy industry, with its attendant unemployment, and the increasing importance of the service sector and of information technology.
shop floor
Business administration; Business management
A term originally applied to the area of a factory in which production took place. It has been widened in its application to indicate the blue-collar workers in an organization as opposed to the ...
Business administration; Business management
A term popularly used of a woman who combines a successful work career with a family life and the rearing of children.
management by objectives (MBO)
Business administration; Business management
A term proposed by the American management writer Peter Drucker in the 1950s to emphasize the importance of setting objectives for – and by – each individual member of an organization as well as the ...
vertical communication
Business administration; Business management
A term sometimes applied to downward communication, though more usually to upward communication in an organization.
Business administration; Business management
A term sometimes applied to the initial stage of group formation within an organization. The individuals concerned are intent on finding out what they can about each other (and making a good ...
Business administration; Business management
A term sometimes given to the only positive aspect of stress, a feeling of stimulation and excitement that can sometimes result in enhanced performance, at least in the short term. The prefix ‘eu’ is ...