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Business management
General business management terms encompassing inventory management, security management, financial administration, business planning, and management services for all enterprise-wide information systems.
Industry: Business administration
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Business management
Business administration; Business management
Latin for the ‘I’, the conscious awareness of oneself (of one’s self). According to Freud the ego is that part of the personality closest to external reality, which holds the ring between the ...
rote learning
Business administration; Business management
Learning attempted solely through repetition, without any attempt to find order or meaning in the material. Compare with insight learning and trial and error learning.
Business administration; Business management
learning in which practice or repetition continues beyond the point required for adequate mastery of the task. Overlearning is not usually considered harmful; that is, it is not thought possible to ...
one-trial learning
Business administration; Business management
Learning that occurs after a single trial or practice.
incremental learning
Business administration; Business management
learning that takes place in a series of regular and orderly steps rather than following flashes of insight learning.
incidental learning
Business administration; Business management
learning that takes place without one making a conscious effort to do so; for example, learning the names of shops on the way to the bus stop.
Business administration; Business management
Literally, ‘a new word’. It is found in scientific and scholarly writing where common words are used in a new way, like bug or mouse, or where new words are concocted, like brainstorming or ...
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