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Computer aided design software.

Contributors in CAD


depth channel

Software; CAD

The distance of objects from the camera. Also known as Z depth channel or Z buffer channel.

depth map

Software; CAD

In rendering, an image file that represents the distance from a specific light source to the surfaces that the light source illuminates, from the point of view of the light source. Each pixel in the ...

lattice deformer

Software; CAD

In animation, a deformer that surrounds a deformable object with a structure of points (lattice) that can be manipulated to change the object’s shape. Also known as FFD or Lattice SOP > Lattice ...

layer editor

Software; CAD

A window that helps you organize large-scale pieces of the scene so you can show, hide, or edit them all at once.

layer set

Software; CAD

In Adobe Photoshop, a collection of layers that helps you better organize and manage layers. Use layer sets to easily move layers as a group, to apply attributes and masks to groups of layers, or to ...

lens flare

Software; CAD

In rendering, a simulation of several bright disks of light, of various sizes, extending in one direction from the light source.

light fog (illuminated fog)

Software; CAD

In rendering, the simulation of light shining through fine particles (fog, smoke, or dust) in the air. In Maya, you must add fog to a light to simulate light fog. This fog is associated with a ...

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