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Computer aided design software.

Contributors in CAD


backface culling (backculling)

Software; CAD

A method of selecting and drawing only those surfaces that face into the surface normal. One-sided polygons facing away from the surface normal are not shown.Backface culling helps speed up the ...

batch bake

Software; CAD

In mental ray rendering, a method of baking selected objects with their respective bake-set settings.

batch render

Software; CAD

scene file. Batch renders allow you to continue working on a scene while it is being rendered, launch renders remotely, and render scenes faster than from within the Maya user interface.

bend deformer

Software; CAD

In animation, a method used to bend an object along an arc.


Software; CAD

In polygonal modeling, the expansion of vertices and edges into a new face. You can use options to position these faces at an offset, or scale them towards the original face center. For the text ...

chroma keying

Software; CAD

In compositing, the process of defining a selected color or range of colors to be transparent. Usually chroma keying is done in blue (blue screening) or green (green screening). By making a blue or ...

clipping plane

Software; CAD

An imaginary plane located at a specific point along a camera’s sight line. A camera has two clipping planes: near and far. Only those objects between these two clipping planes are visible in a ...

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