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Computer aided manufacturing software.
Industry: Software
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racetrack effect
Software; CAM
The racetrack effect occurs when molten plastic flows into thicker regions more easily than thin regions. The flow divides and then fills thicker sections before combining again to fill the thinner ...
screw back position
Software; CAM
The screw back position is the position that the screw is brought back to before the start of the next cycle.
screw forward position
Software; CAM
The screw forward position is the furthest forward position of the screw during a cycle.
shear strain
Software; CAM
The shear strain of the polymer is the ratio of the deformed state compared to the original state, when a polymer has been deformed due to an applied load.
specific heat
Software; CAM
The specific heat (Cp) of a material is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of material by one degree Centigrade. It is essentially a measure of a material's ability ...