Home > Industry/Domain > Construction > Carpentry
Of or relating to the art of making objects, buildings or furniture out of wood.
Industry: Construction
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duct tape
Construction; Carpentry
A vinyl, fabric-reinforced, multi-purpose pressure sensitive tape with a soft and tacky pressure sensitive adhesive. It is generally silver or black in color but many other colors and transparent ...
door stop
Construction; Carpentry
Molding attached to the faces of door frame jambs which prevent a door from swinging through.
Construction; Carpentry
Also called dovetail joint. A joinery technique commonly used to join peices where high tensile strength is called for, for example in joining the sides of a drawer to the front. The joint is created ...
Construction; Carpentry
Small vented 4 sided structure installed atop a roof for decorative purposes and to provide attic ventilation.
curtain wall
Construction; Carpentry
A non-load bearing wall between columns or piers. They are designed to resist air and water infiltration, wind forces acting on the building, seismic forces (usually only those imposed by the inertia ...
dimensional stability
Construction; Carpentry
The ability of a material to withstand changes in it's dimesnional size due to temperature or moisture changes.
dimensional lumber
Construction; Carpentry
Lumber that is finished/planed and cut to standardized width and depth specified in inches. Examples of common sizes are 2×4, 2×6, and 4×4.