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Of or relating to the art of making objects, buildings or furniture out of wood.
Industry: Construction
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Construction; Carpentry
Angled or leaning. In architecture, a part, or segment, of a facade which is at an angle to another part of the same facade.
Construction; Carpentry
A projecting beam (or other part of a structure) that is secured at one end only.
Construction; Carpentry
Tree growth in which the grain has grown in a deformed manner. It is commonly found in the form of a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch that is filled with small knots from dormant buds.
built-up roof
Construction; Carpentry
Roofing composed of multiple layers of rag felt or jute sauturated with pitch, asphalt or coal tar, finished on the top with gravel or crushed slag. Used typically on low pitch or flat roofs.
box nail
Construction; Carpentry
A wire nail with a head; box nails have a smaller shank than common nails of the same size and are used on thin materials in lieu of regular larger nails or finishing nails.
board foot
Construction; Carpentry
Unit of volume for measuring lumber in the united states and canada. It is the volume of a one foot length of a board one foot wide and one inch thick. Board-foot is abbreviated fbm (for "foot, board ...