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Famous characters from video games.

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Video games; Characters

Tentacruel are large, primarily blue jellyfish-like Pokémon. They have two large, red crystal spheres encrusted onto their upper bodies that can refract sunlight and store energy. The round lower ...


Video games; Characters

Tentacool resembles a box jellyfish. It has a light blue, clear body with two large, transparent, red crystals on each side of its body, and one small one in the middle. It has two small eyes with ...


Video games; Characters

Victreebel has the same shape as Weepinbell, only upside-down. Its semicircular eyes appear directly under its mouth and it has several dark green spots on its body. There are four sharp teeth in ...


Video games; Characters

Weepinbell has a yellow, bell-shaped body and a wide, gaping mouth with pink lips and what seems to be a tongue. It has no legs or arms. Above Weepinbell’s circular eyes is a pattern of three small ...


Video games; Characters

Bellsprout have a very skinny, stem-like body. They have roots that resemble feet, which they use similarly. Bellsprout have one green leaf on each side of their body. Their yellow head is ...


Video games; Characters

Machamp is a bipedal, tailless Pokémon, and is notable for being extremely muscled and having four arms. Its skin color is bluish-gray and it has red eyes. On its head, there are three ridges right ...


Video games; Characters

Machoke appear as larger, tailless Machop with red marks along their muscular arms. Their faces are more reptilian than before. The marks actually look like places where the skin has stretched apart ...

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