Contributors in Chess
backward Pawn
Games; Chess
A Pawn that has trailed behind and is no longer supported by other Pawns.
bad Bishop
Games; Chess
When a Bishop has little or no mobility because of being hemmed by Pawns positioned on squares of the same color as the Bishop's square, it is said to be a "bad Bishop".
Games; Chess
In amateur events, games not finished within a specified time period, sometimes are adjudicated by a strong player who determines the outcome of the game. This practice has fallen out of fashion and ...
advanced Pawn
Games; Chess
This term describes a Pawn which has passed the central line of the chessboard which is between the fourth and fifth ranks.
algebraic notation
Games; Chess
Same as chess notation or simply notation. It is a combination of letters and numbers (a to h and 1 to 8)which denotes the 64 squares of the board. Algebraic notation has become the standard for ...
back rank mate
Games; Chess
A checkmate made by a Queen or Rook along the 8th rank where the opponent's King is blocked in by its own Pawns.