Contributors in Classical
2nd Viennese School
Music; Classical
The group of Viennese-centered composers who flourished between 1910-1930 and who had as a common bond the 12-tone system of composition (see serialism).
Baroque Period
Music; Classical
Era in the history of Western music extending from c1600-c1750, and exemplified by the compositions of Schütz, Corelli, François Couperin, Vivaldi, Domenico Scarlatti, Handel and J.S. Bach.
Music; Classical
Designation for music of the early 19th century associated with the musical bourgeoisie and domestic music-making.
Classical (or 'Classic') Period
Music; Classical
Era in the history of Western music extending c1750-c1825, and exemplified by the compositions of Joseph Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert.
Classicism (Neoclassicism)
Music; Classical
Inexact terms usually denoting the general aesthetic ideals (including: balance, symmetry, clarity, reverence for ancient cultures, etc.) of Baroque or Classical composers, and/or the efforts by a ...
Music; Classical
In music, a style associated with the first quarter of the 20th century that was introspective (delving into the psychological realm) but also: (1) consciously rejected representational forms, and ...
Music; Classical
Regional designation given to pre-18th century composers from the present-day countries of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands; most commonly applied to composers of the Renaissance ...