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Coral reefs
Coral reefs are structures formed from the calcium carbonate secretions of corals. They are colonies of tiny animals in marine areas containing few nutrients.
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Coral reefs
genome size
Natural environment; Coral reefs
The size of a genome (all the genetic material in the chromosomes of a particular organism) is generally given as its total number of base pairs.
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A body form of medium complexity in sponges where the body wall has become folded and the choanocytes (flagellated collar cells) are not located along the spongocoel, but along radial canals. Water ...
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A distinct genetic form or variant of a particular species. For example, a distinct color phase of a species that exhibits more than one color .
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A light-producing organ, found especially in marine fishes and cephalopods. Photophores emit light from intrinsic structures, or derive light extrinsically from symbiotic luminescent bacteria.
photosynthetic pigment
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A pigment that efficiently absorbs light within the 400-700 nm range and is essential for photosynthesis.
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A soft coral of the order Alcyonacea, class Anthozoa, phylum Cnidaria. They consist of a firm body, throughout which calcareous spicules are dispersed. The surface is studded with polyps. They are ...