Contributors in Courts


letters testamentary

Legal services; Courts

Legal document issued by a court that shows an executor's legal right to take control of assets in the deceased person's name.

secondary authority

Legal services; Courts

Legal encyclopedias, treatises, legal texts, law review articles, and citators. Writings which set forth the opinion of the writer as to the law.


Legal services; Courts

Legal or judicial means by which a right or privilege is enforced or the violation of a right or privilege is prevented, redressed, or compensated.


Legal services; Courts

Legal ownership of property, usually real property or automobiles.

product liability

Legal services; Courts

Legal responsibility of manufacturers and sellers to buyers, users, and bystanders for damages or injuries suffered because of defects in goods.


Legal services; Courts

Legal right given to a person to be responsible for the food, housing, health care, and other necessities of a person deemed incapable of providing these necessities for himself or herself.


Legal services; Courts

Legal right given to a person to manage the property and financial affairs of a person deemed incapable of doing that for himself or herself.

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