Home > Industry/Domain > Animals > Crustaceans
Any member of the class of arthropods that includes lobsters, crabs, shrimps, wood lice, water fleas, and barnacles.
Industry: Animals
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antennular lamella
Animals; Crustaceans
In antennule of certain mysidaceans, term occasionally applied to scale-like process projecting from last (third) peduncular segment.
uropodal gland
Animals; Crustaceans
In bathynellacean, relatively large accessory excretory gland located in last (sixth) abdominal somite (pleomere). Opens to exterior dorsally at base of uropod.
dorsoventralis posterior muscle
Animals; Crustaceans
In cephalothorax, prominent muscle extending from head apodemes to carapace, where it inserts posterior to cervical groove.
rostral hood
Animals; Crustaceans
In certain amphipods, broad anterodorsal extension of head; covers basal segments of antennae.
basidorsal point
Animals; Crustaceans
In certain unstalked barnacles, cone-shaped projection at base of penis.
pericardial septum
Animals; Crustaceans
In circulatory system, ventral wall of pericardial sinus; separates pericardial sinus from underlying hemocoel. Perforated by series of holes to permit flow of blood from hemocoel to sinus.
depressor muscle, lateral
Animals; Crustaceans
In Cirripedia (Balanomorpha), muscle inserted on basitergal angle of scutum, for which lateral depressor muscle pit, depression or crests may develop.