Contributors in Dam safety
Dam safety
Energy; Hydro dam
Structural members of timber, concrete, or steel placed in channels or on the crest of a spillway to raise the reservoir water level but intended to be quickly removed, tripped, or fail in the event ...
contact grouting
Energy; Hydro dam
Filling, with cement grout, any voids existing at the contact of two zones of different materials, i.e., between a concrete tunnel lining and the surrounding rock.
one-percent-chance flood
Energy; Hydro dam
A flood that has 1 chance in 100 of being equaled or exceeded during any year.
Energy; Hydro dam
The variation in water level, up or down, as a result of project operation.
earthquake, synthetic
Energy; Hydro dam
Earthquake time history records developed from mathematical models that use white noise, filtered white noise, and stationary and non-stationary filtered white noise, or theoretical seismic source ...
chimney drain
Energy; Hydro dam
A vertical or inclined layer of pervious material in an embankment to facilitate and control drainage of the embankment fill.