Contributors in Dam safety
Dam safety
base thickness
Energy; Hydro dam
Also referred to as base width. The maximum thickness or width of the dam measured horizontally between upstream and downstream faces and normal to the axis of the dam, but excluding projections for ...
Energy; Hydro dam
An instrument designed to measure water levels or pore water pressures in embankments, foundations, abutments, soil, rock, or concrete. Open system porus-tube, and slotted-pipe piezmoters, or ...
inundation map
Energy; Hydro dam
A map showing areas that would be affected by flooding from releases from a dam’s reservoir. The flooding may be from either controlled or uncontrolled releases or as a result of a dam failure. A ...
flood storage
Energy; Hydro dam
The retention of water or delay of runoff either by planned operation, as in a reservoir, or by temporary filling of overflow areas, as in the progression of a flood wave through a natural stream ...
hazard potential classification
Energy; Hydro dam
A system that categorizes dams according to the degree of adverse incremental consequences of a failure or misoperation of a dam. The hazard potential classification does not reflect in any way on ...