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A form of romantic courtship between two persons that consists of social activities such as going to the movies or dinning out regularly to establish a more intimate and permanent relationship.

Industry: Love

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alpha male

Love; Dating

A big, strong and attractive guy that has everything going for him. Women want to be with him and guys want to be him.

friend zone

Love; Dating

The "friend zone" is a situation when the girl you like talks to you just like she talks to her other friends. She does not see you as a boyfriend but just as a friend. It's hard to get out of the ...

drama queen

Love; Dating

A woman who often needs drama in her life such as gossiping about everything and turning every situation into a fight.

opportunity knocking

Love; Dating

A situation when a girl is vulnerable and you make your move to become more than just a friend. The girl needs someone around and you are there for her. This is a great time to break out of the ...

bitch shield

Love; Dating

When you try to talk to a woman as a potential date and she acts like a bitch. This is probably just the bitch shield the woman puts up to get guys to leave her alone. The woman is probably not a ...

daddy cravings

Love; Dating

This refers to a girl that did not have a good father in her life. This type of girl wants you to act like her dad and let her know when she is doing something wrong. They crave guys that put them in ...

out of pocket

Love; Dating

Being out of touch with accepted social practice or reality in a dating situation. For example, going to a date at the opera in shorts and t-shirt.

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