Contributors in Diseases
avian leukosis
Health care; Diseases
A group of transmissible viral diseases of chickens and turkeys. Liver tumors are found in most forms, but tumors can be found elsewhere.
viral hemorrhagic fevers
Health care; Diseases
A group of viral diseases of diverse etiology but having many similar clinical characteristics; increased capillary permeability, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia are common to all. Hemorrhagic ...
pilonidal sinus
Health care; Diseases
A hair-containing cyst or sinus, occurring chiefly in the coccygeal region.
internal carotid artery dissection
Health care; Diseases
A hemorrhage into the wall of the carotid artery, separating the intima from the media and leading to aneurysm formation. This process may occlude the carotid artery and result in thromboembolic ...
activated protein C resistance
Health care; Diseases
A hemostatic disorder characterized by a poor anticoagulant response to activated protein C (APC). The activated form of Factor V (Factor Va) is more slowly degraded by activated protein C. Factor V ...
glycogen storage disease Type VI
Health care; Diseases
A hepatic glycogen storage disease in which there is an apparent deficiency of hepatic phosphorylase (liver form glycogen phosphorylase) activity.
Health care; Diseases
A hereditary condition clinically resembling hypoparathyroidism, but caused by failure of response to rather than deficiency of parathyroid hormones. It is characterized by hypocalcemia and ...
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