Contributors in Diseases
Health care; Diseases
Also known as hand-foot syndrome, it is the painful swelling of hands or feet. It is caused by small blood vessels in the hands and feet being blocked by sickled red blood cells.
transient global amnesia
Health care; Diseases
Transient global amnesia is an episode of sudden memory loss where an individual's ability to recall memories or events disappears. During a transient global amnesiac episode, an individual still ...
Western Blot
Health care; Diseases
"The Western Blot is a highly efficient antibody screening test used to detect HIV proteins in the blood and confirm a positive ELISA test. It involves the opening of HIV-infected proteins and ...
human immunodeficiency virus
Health care; Diseases
A retrovirus that eventually causes the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It attacks and destroys the body’s immune system by entering and destroying the cells that control and support the ...
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Health care; Diseases
Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD) refers to two chronic diseases that cause inflammation of the intestines probably as a result of an immune reaction of the body against it's own intestinal tissue. The ...
Health care; Diseases
Autophony simply means hearing one's own voice or other sounds generated by a person.