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Terms from various encyclopedias and reference books.

Contributors in Encyclopedias


Slough of Despond

Language; Encyclopedias

A deep bog in the "Pilgrim's Progress," into which Christian sinks under the weight of his sins and his sense of their guilt.

Spencer Gulf

Language; Encyclopedias

A deep inlet on the coast of South Australia, 180 m. by 90 m.


Language; Encyclopedias

A deformed Greek present at the siege of Troy, distinguished for his insolent raillery at his betters, and who was slain by Achilles for deriding his lamentation over the death of Penthesilea.


Language; Encyclopedias

A desert in Upper Egypt; the retreat in early times of a number of Christian hermits.

first Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe Sir Stafford Canning

Language; Encyclopedias

A distinguished ambassador, born in London, son of a well-connected merchant, and cousin to Canning the statesman; passed from Cambridge to the Foreign Office in 1807 as a précis-writer to his ...

Suleiman Pasha

Language; Encyclopedias

A distinguished Turkish general, born in Roumelia; entered the army in 1854, fought in various wars, became director of the Military Academy at Constantinople; distinguished himself in the Servian ...


Language; Encyclopedias

A district of Kent and suburb of London, to the SE. of which it lies 7 m., includes the Surrey parish of Lambeth, where in 1852-54 the Crystal Palace was erected and still stands, a far-famed sight ...

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