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Terms from various encyclopedias and reference books.

Contributors in Encyclopedias


Stymphalian Birds

Language; Encyclopedias

Fabulous birds with brazen claws, wings, and beaks, that used their feathers as arrows, ate human flesh, and infested Arcadia; Hercules startled them with a rattle, and with his arrows either shot ...


Language; Encyclopedias

Famous Athenian general and democratic statesman; came to the front during the later part of the Peloponnesian War; took an active share in overturning the oligarchy of the Four Hundred, and in ...

James Stephens

Language; Encyclopedias

Fenian conspirator, born in Kilkenny; became "Head Centre," and zealous in the Fenian cause both in Ireland and America; was arrested in Dublin, but escaped; found his way to New York, but was ...


Language; Encyclopedias

Fifth day of the week, dedicated to Thor.


Language; Encyclopedias

Figures, generally colossal, of men supporting entablatures, as Caryatides of women.

Gilbert Charles Stuart

Language; Encyclopedias

American portrait-painter, born at Narragansett, Rhode Island; was taken up by a Scotch painter named Alexander, whom he accompanied to Edinburgh, but was set adrift by the death of his patron, and ...

Charles Sumner

Language; Encyclopedias

American statesman and abolitionist, born in Boston; graduated at Harvard (1830), and was called to the bar in 1834, but found a more congenial sphere in writing and lecturing; during 1837-40 pursued ...

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