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Energy trade
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Energy trade
full-forced outage
Energy; Energy trade
The net capability of main generating units that is unavailable for load for emergency reasons.
Energy; Energy trade
A price chart pattern that looks like a flag-pole with a rectangular 'flag' hanging off it. It is often seen as a sign that the trend is likely to continue after a brief consolidation.
Energy; Energy trade
An electrical device for changing the voltage of alternating current.
Energy; Energy trade
The part of a generating unit usually consisting of a series of curved vanes or blades on a central spindle, which is spun by the force of water, steam or hot gas to drive an electricity generator.
Energy; Energy trade
When prices trade at similar levels over a period of time, the chart becomes cluttered with business at these levels and is referred to as 'congested'. Congestion areas are often seen as providing ...