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Energy trade

Research, market data and analysis for energy trade.

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Energy trade


Energy; Energy trade

Material rejected from a mill after most of the recoverable valuable minerals have been extracted. Confined in a tailings pond, the main function of which is to allow enough time for heavy metals to ...


Energy; Energy trade

A component of some nuclear reactor types which slows neutrons, thereby increasing their chances of fissioning fissile material.


Energy; Energy trade

Gas-gathering systems on oilfields typically are designed to stream off associated gas from the crude.

reserve capacity

Energy; Energy trade

Extra generating capacity available to meet unanticipated demands for power or to generate power in the event of loss of generation.

feformulated gasoline (RFG)

Energy; Energy trade

US specified gasoline formulated with a higher oxygen content than pre-1990s gasolines. RFG is specified to contain 2. 7% oxygen, and is designed for year-round use in urban areas. So-called ...


Energy; Energy trade

Occasional abbreviation for asphaltene.

head and shoulders

Energy; Energy trade

A reversal pattern characterized by a high, a higher high, a lower high, and a break below the line joining the lows between the highs, the so-called neck-line.

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