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Energy trade
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Energy trade
Energy; Energy trade
A liter is 1,000th of a cubic meter. There are 3. 78541 liters in a gallon. Convert to barrels instead. One thousand liters=6,289. 8 bbl.
Energy; Energy trade
The theory of stochastics is based on the premise that prices close nearer the high in an uptrend, and nearer the low in a downtrend. %D Slow %D %K %R are all just names for different ways of ...
emissions reduction units (ERUs)
Energy; Energy trade
Tradable greenhouse gas emissions offset credits generated by the UN’ Joint Implementation program. One ERU represents one metric ton of CO2 equivalent reduction in greenhouse gases.
surplus energy
Energy; Energy trade
Energy generating capability that is beyond the immediate needs of the producing system. This energy may be sold on an interruptible basis or as firm power.
liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Energy; Energy trade
Natural gas converted to a liquid state by pressure and severe cooling, then returned to a gaseous state to be used as fuel. Acceptable first reference abbreviation. LNG is moved in tankers, not ...
American style option
Energy; Energy trade
An option which can be exercised by the buyer (holder) at anytime during its life.