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Environmental conservation
Terms related to protecting natural resources including plant and animal species as well as their habitat for the future.
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Environmental conservation
natural eutrophication
Environment; Environmental conservation
An excess of plant nutrients from natural erosion and runoff from the land in an aquatic ecosystem supporting a large amount of aquatic life that can deplete the oxygen supply.
Environment; Environmental conservation
Process by which water is changed from a liquid into a vapor.
Environment; Environmental conservation
A collective term that includes water discharged to the atmosphere as a result of evaporation from the soil and surface-water bodies and as a result of plant transpiration. See also evaporation and ...
evapotranspiration, actual
Environment; Environmental conservation
The evapotranspiration that actually occurs under given climatic and soil-moisture conditions.
evapotranspiration, potential
Environment; Environmental conservation
The evapotranspiration that would occur under given climatic conditions if there were unlimited soil moisture.
fault spring
Environment; Environmental conservation
A spring created by the movement of two rock units on a fault.
feedback mechanisms
Environment; Environmental conservation
A sequence of interactions in which the final interaction influences the original one. Also see positive feedback and negative feedback.