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Environmental conservation
Terms related to protecting natural resources including plant and animal species as well as their habitat for the future.
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Environmental conservation
Environment; Environmental conservation
The portion of the climate system consisting of the world's ice masses and snow deposits, which includes the continental ice sheets, mountain glaciers, sea ice, surface snow cover, and lake and river ...
cubic foot per second (cfs)
Environment; Environmental conservation
The rate of discharge representing a volume of one cubic foot passing a given point during 1 second. This rate is equivalent to approximately 7. 48 gallons per second, or 1. 98 acre-feet per day.
Environment; Environmental conservation
The portion of a stream or body of water which is moving with a velocity much greater than the average of the rest of the water. The progress of the water is principally concentrated in the current. ...
current meter
Environment; Environmental conservation
A device that is lowered into a stream in order to record the rate at which the current is moving.
Environment; Environmental conservation
A structure of earth, rock, or concrete designed to form a basin and hold water back to make a pond, lake, or reservoir.
darcy's law
Environment; Environmental conservation
An equation that can be used to compute the quantity of water flowing through an aquifer.
data collection (method)
Environment; Environmental conservation
Implementation of appropriate procedures for obtaining necessary information to monitor status of water quantity, quality, use or flow.