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Environmental conservation
Terms related to protecting natural resources including plant and animal species as well as their habitat for the future.
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Environmental conservation
glacier floW
Environment; Environmental conservation
The slow downward or outward movement of ice in a glacier caused by gravity.
grab sample
Environment; Environmental conservation
A sample taken at a given place and time. Compare composite sample.
granular activated carbon
Environment; Environmental conservation
Pure carbon heated to promote "active" sites which can adsorb pollutants. Used in some home water treatment systems to remove certain organic chemicals and radon.
greenhouse effect
Environment; Environmental conservation
A popular term used to describe the roles of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases in keeping the Earth's surface warmer than it would be otherwise. These " radiatively active " gases ...
greenhouse gases
Environment; Environmental conservation
Those gases, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, tropospheric ozone, nitrous oxide, and methane, that are transparent to solar radiation but opaque to longwave radiation. Their action is similar to ...
Environment; Environmental conservation
Wastewater from clothes washing machines, showers, bathtubs, handwashing, lavatories and sinks that are not used for disposal of chemical or chemical-biological ingredients.
gross head
Environment; Environmental conservation
The difference between the upstream water surface (forebay elevation) and the downstream water surface (afterbay elevation) after the water has passed through the hydroelectric plant.