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Fax machines
Terms that relate to machines that are able to send and receive scanned documents by use of a phone line.
Industry: Office equipment
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Fax machines
Office equipment; Fax machines
Causes a 3.5 second delay while dialing with one-touch and speed-dial numbers.
overseas mode
Office equipment; Fax machines
This function makes temporary changes to the device that lets it send to overseas phone systems.
paging notification
Office equipment; Fax machines
Prompts the machine to dial the registered pager telephone number if a fax and / or a voice message is stored in its memory.
portable fax machine
Office equipment; Fax machines
A small fax machine similar to a laptop computer that lets you send faxes from any location using a telephone or just a phone line, or via a cell phone.
Office equipment; Fax machines
Allows the unit to call remote locations and retrieve any waiting faxes.
Office equipment; Fax machines
This means you can scan a document into the fax machine's memory before you send it. Super quickscan is even faster.