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Fish farming
Of, or pertaining to the artificial mass cultivation of fish
Industry: Fishing
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Fish farming
Fishing; Fish farming
Redox, or reduction-oxidation potential, is a measure of how easy it is for organic reactions to take place. This is an indicator of water quality, measured in millivolts with a special probe. Higher ...
Fishing; Fish farming
Plant-like organisms which grow in water. While many algae grow as a fuzz or slime without much visible structure, some is leafy. Other algae is hard and calcareous.
relative abundance
Fishing; Fish farming
An estimate of actual or absolute abundance; usually stated as some kind of index; for example, as bottom trawl survey stratified mean catch per tow.
Fishing; Fish farming
This is the measure of a solution's resistance to changes in pH. It is commonly measured as carbonate alkalinity or total alkalinity, and is expressed in meq, dKH, or ppm of C03 ions. The alkalinity ...
reverse osmosis (RO)
Fishing; Fish farming
A process for filtering tap water before it is used in an aquarium. This process generates water slowly and wastes a couple of gallons of water for each gallon of filtered water produced. However it ...
Fishing; Fish farming
NH3, this is one of the steps in the nitrogen cycle. It is toxic to most creatures, and should be at un-measurable levels after a tank has cycled.
reverse under gravel filter
Fishing; Fish farming
This variant of an under gravel filter runs in the opposite direction, pushing water up through the gravel. It requires water pumps of some sort to run, but needs cleaning less often.