Contributors in Gemstones
refractive index
Fashion; General jewelry
A process using a refractometer to measure the speed and angle of light entering a gemstone. Very important for gem identification.
Fashion; General jewelry
In gemology, this refers to the raw, natural state in which gems are found, before they are cut.
Fashion; General jewelry
Needle-like inclusions (or foreign matter) within stones. These can produce some gem phenomena as an asterism (star) or cat's eye (chatoyancy.)
Fashion; General jewelry
Used to refer to the red variety of tourmaline, including the color range from pink to red. More of a marketing than a gemological term; these days gemologists tend to use simply "red tourmaline."
Fashion; General jewelry
Saturation is one of three characteristics used to describe the appearance of color. Saturation (also known as intensity) refers to the brightness or vividness of a color. See also hue and tone.
semi-precious (gemstone)
Fashion; General jewelry
Traditionally, the four precious gemstones are diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald. Semi-precious gemstones include everything else. But other gems have also been labelled precious at times, ...