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Contributors in Gemstones



Fashion; General jewelry

(color zoning) A term that describes the uneven distribution of color in a gemstone. Zoning is best seen when looking at the stone through the top table facet.


Fashion; General jewelry

Refers to the diamond-like luster of a gemstone. Gemstones with a diamond-like luster include diamond (of course), demantoid garnet and sphene.


Fashion; General jewelry

The shimmering light or whitish opalescence which glides over the surface of some gems such as moonstone. Interference phenomena of the layered structure is the cause of this effect.

alluvial deposits

Fashion; General jewelry

Gem deposits found in water after they have been separated from the mother rock.


Fashion; General jewelry

Gemstones without a crystal structure are referred to as amorphous. These include gems such as amber, coral, opal and pearl.


Fashion; General jewelry

The star effect that you see in star sapphires or rubies, for example. This is usually caused by tiny silk rutile inclusions in the stone. The effect can be four- or six- rayed.


Fashion; General jewelry

A long rectangular gemstone shape, somewhat similar in shape to a loaf of French bread, hence the name.

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"War and Peace" (by Leo Tolstoy)

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