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General astrology

Astrology consists of a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between visible astronomical phenomena and events in the human world.

Contributors in General astrology

General astrology

neutral planets

Astrology; General astrology

Mercury and Neptune. These two tend to be benefic when well aspected to the benefics and unfavourable when forming any aspect to the malefics.

new moon

Astrology; General astrology

Occurs when the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun. This important event happens once every month, when the visible face of the Moon is darkened, as it receives no light from the Sun.


Astrology; General astrology

Moon, Mars and Venus. Mercury is convertible, and may be either Diurnal or Nocturnal. Jupiter, Saturn and Sun are the Day Stars.

planet of oriental appearance

Astrology; General astrology

Planet rising immediately before the Sun, indicating special skills and faculties in a natal chart.

planetary hours

Astrology; General astrology

The hours of the day are ruled by planets in their order from Saturn inward to the Moon.

planetary strength

Astrology; General astrology

The power of a planet in a horary chart due to the sum total of the planet's dignities or debilities, both essential and accidental.

platonic year

Astrology; General astrology

The so-called "Great Year" of the precession of the polar axis, whereby the polar axis precesses around the pole of the ecliptic with a period of 25,725 years. This is what determines the ...

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