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General astrology

Astrology consists of a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between visible astronomical phenomena and events in the human world.

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General astrology


Astrology; General astrology

The first sign of the zodiac. Aries, the Ram, is a cardinal fire sign, commencing in the Tropical system at the vernal equinox. More about Aries.

aries point

Astrology; General astrology

The first degree of Aries (but also by aspect the other three cardinal points, the beginnings of Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). Where these points fall in the chart is held to be highly significant in ...

aristarchos of samos

Astrology; General astrology

Aristarchos (c.310–230 BCE), a Greek astronomer and mathematician born in Samos, Greece, was the first to propose a heliocentric model of the solar system, countervailing the predominant geocentric ...


Astrology; General astrology

A pivotal Greek philosopher (384–322 BCE), student of Plato and tutor of Alexander the Great. He wrote widely and his influential ideas on physics, metaphysics, poetry, theatre, music, logic, ...


Astrology; General astrology

A mechanical device, predecessor to the sextant, whereby mariners determined the time of day by the Sun, of the night by the stars, and the height and depth of mountains and valleys. – Source: The ...


Astrology; General astrology

The Wounded Healer. Discovered by Charles T. Kowal in 1977, this planetoid located between Saturn and Uranus has developed a considerable following among modern astrologers.

choleric humour

Astrology; General astrology

Corresponding to the Fire Element and, according to Culpeper, ruling "the spume and froth of the blood". Fire in general symbolises energy, dynamism and expression, and is associated with the colour ...

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