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General astronomy

Contributors in General astronomy

General astronomy

emission nebula

Astronomy; General astronomy

A type of nebula tha emits light when electrons recombine with protons to form hydrogen atoms. The electron frequently approaches the proton in steps emitting energy as light as it gets pulled in. In ...

polar orbit

Astronomy; General astronomy

A satellite orbit passing over both poles of the Earth. During a 12-hour day, a satellite in such an orbit can observe all points on Earth.


Astronomy; General astronomy

The region around Earth, bounded by the magnetopause, whose processes are dominated by the Earth’s magnetic field.

magnetic storm

Astronomy; General astronomy

A large-scale disturbance of the magnetosphere, often initiated by the arrival of an interplanetary shock originating at the Sun. A magnetic storm is marked by the injection of an appreciable number ...

planet hunt

Astronomy; General astronomy

Members of the public are being asked to join the hunt for nearby planets that could support life. Volunteers can go to the Planethunters website to see time-lapsed images of 150,000 stars, taken by ...

electroweak force

Astronomy; General astronomy

The combined force of electromagnetism and weak nuclear force. The unification of these two forces is explained in the Glashow-Weinberg-Salom theory. It states that at sufficiently high energy the ...

Samantha Cristoforetti

Astronomy; General astronomy

Samantha Cristoforetti (born April 26, 1977 in Milan, Italy) is an engineer, the third woman astronaut in the European Space Agency, and the first Italian woman astronaut.

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