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General culture
Common learned behavior patterns that are acquired by people as members of a society.
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General culture
Culture; General culture
The typical clan consists of boss, consigliere, underboss, caporegime and solders. The actual structure of any given clan can vary.
bread and salt
Culture; General culture
Offering guest with bread and salt was an ancient custom present in Serbia as well. Today it is no longer practiced in everyday circumstances, but is followed routinely at large-scale events and ...
icon corner
Culture; General culture
In Serbia, it is customary to own an icon of family's slava (patron saint), as well as additional icons of Jesus Christ, the Theotokos or any other saints the family might be devoted to. These ...
egg decorating
Culture; General culture
Egg decorating is the art or craft of decorating eggs. It is quite a popular art/craft form because of the attractive, smooth, oval shape of the egg. Any bird egg can be facilitated in this process, ...
Culture; General culture
Badnjak (Christmas oak log) is an ancient Serbian Christmas custom, where the oldest male member of the household chops an oak log early on Christmas morning. The log may or may not be brought to ...
christmas straw
Culture; General culture
Immediately after the badnjak (Christmas oak log) has been brought in, or immediately before in some places, an armful of straw is spread over the floor. The straw is usually brought in with the same ...
Performing arts; Theatre
Rakugo is a type of traditional Japanese story telling, in which one person sits on a floor pillow called a zabuton and plays multiple characters, including narrator, and performs many actions using ...