Contributors in General jewelry
General jewelry
knife wire
Jewelry; General jewelry
A piece of wire that secures a gemstone that is so thin it is almost undetectable.
Jewelry; General jewelry
A piece of jewelry wherein several strands of beads, pearls, or chains is woven or twisted together to create a single piece.
gunmetal finish
Jewelry; General jewelry
A piece of metal that has a dark silver finish or metallic steel grey. Gunmetal can also look almost black.
double marquise jewelry
Jewelry; General jewelry
A piece of jewelry that features two marquise shaped gemstones or the repetition of the marquise shape two times in the metal.
ring wrap
Jewelry; General jewelry
A piece of jewelry that features two bands designed to wrap around another ring. Ring wraps usually feature decorative bands or gemstone inlays to add interest to the updated piece. Ring wraps are ...
flower jewelry
Jewelry; General jewelry
A piece of jewelry that features flower stations or gemstone arrangements designed to resemble a flower.
rolled edge
Jewelry; General jewelry
A piece of jewelry that features a thin piece of metal that has been rolled and attached to the surface along the side.