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General language
Use this category for general terms related to languages.
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General language
economics of language
Economy; Economics
Interdisciplinary study which explores the mutual effect of language-related and economic variables often using the methodology and tools of economics and focusing on issues such as the effects of ...
Language; General language
An anagram is a word or phrase whose letters can be rearranged to form another word or phrase. For example, in The Harry Potter book series the name "Tom Marvalo Riddle" is an anagram whose letters ...
Language; General language
Hyperbole is exaggerated language used for dramatic effect to emphasize a point. It is not meant to be understood literally. An example of hyperbole is Jesus saying "If your eye causes you to sin, ...
Language; General language
Erroneous means wrong or incorrect. "Employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions". Erroneous means wrong or incorrect.
Language; General language
Humblebrag is a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance. It can be seen heavily on social media where these messages can be shown to a larger ...
Language; General language
Extensive means to be large in extent, range, or amount. It also relates to the cultivation of vast areas of land with a minimum of labor or expense.
Language; General language
Expansive means to be capable of expanding or tending to expand. It also means to broaden in size or extent.