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General military

General military terms.

Contributors in General military

General military

threat reduction cooperation (TRC)

Military; General military

Activities undertaken with the consent and cooperation of host nation authorities in a permissive environment to enhance physical security, and to reduce, dismantle, redirect, and/or improve ...

humanitarian mine action

Military; General military

Activities that strive to reduce the social, economic, and environmental impact of land mines, unexploded ordnance and small arms ammunition.

civil affairs activities

Military; General military

Activities performed or supported by civil affairs that (1) enhance the relationship between military forces and civil authorities in areas where military forces are present; and (2) involve ...

network operations (NETOPS)

Military; General military

Activities conducted to operate and defend the Global Information Grid.

special activities

Military; General military

Activities conducted in support of national foreign policy objectives that are planned and executed so that the role of the US Government is not apparent or acknowledged publicly. They are also ...

supply support activity (SSA)

Military; General military

Activities assigned a Department of Defense activity address code and that have a supply support mission, i.e., direct support supply units, missile support elements, and maintenance support units.

weapons of mass destruction (WMD) active defense

Military; General military

Active measures to defeat an attack with chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons by employing actions to divert, neutralize, or destroy those weapons or their means of delivery while ...

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